
Muhammad Adil Farooq's Stock Profile

Islamiya university of Bhawalpur
Bahawalpur, Pakistan
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Rank 8

Previous Rank 9

Stocks & Cash

This section shows the cash balance in this account and the details of the shares that are bought.


This section shows all the buy and sell actions that are performed, and on what date and what prices shares were bought and sold.

Random Investing Quote

I should emphasize that we do not measure the progress of our investments by what their market prices do during any given year. Rather, we evaluate their performance by the two methods we apply to the businesses we own. The first test is improvement in earnings, with our making due allowance for industry conditions. The second test, more subjective, is whether their “moats” – a metaphor for the superiorities they possess that make life difficult for their competitors – have widened during the year.

-Roman Abromovich

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